I wanted to cry with wantiness!
It costs about R3 000 and is available from loot. Please can I have it?
I also want stuff from the HLHS Bazaar.
I found it because I am in a rather Lovecraftian mood.
I watched John Carpenter's In The Mouth Of Madness this weekend. just because. I was actually trying to get hold of Necronomicon, which I had seen at the not-our-local-video store but stupidly did not hire at the time. sigh. It's pretty difficult to get hold of, but it is available through amazon.fr.
Btw, I already own these so you see why I need the lovecraft retrospective... the Giger was a wonderful serendipitous bargain. We picked it up on a sales table for R120. no jokes. (it's valued at over R1 000). And the pretty Gollancz commemorative edition was a gifty from my loved one. and the plush cthulhu was a gift to myself.