Once you have cornered it and have it committed to a day and time (give or take 2-3 hours), you can begin preparations.
Except, since she was staying over, cleaning out the spare room/flat in general took priority over cooking. So we ate out. Col Cacchio's. I have never been disappointed. I had a pina colada but was tempted by her Toblerone. Her brother and I decided to be polite hosts and order vegetarian, not tha she would have minded a carnivores pizza on the table. One involved brie, the other blackmushrooms and spinach. I made the fine choice of the fancy named beetroot/avo salad. It was a satisfying meal with excellent service. (we were at Canal Walk, choice of gourmet cuisine was limited). We rewatched HP with her (no, I will still not be called a fangirl) and I observed a few more aesthetic pleasures in it.
After a stop at House of Coffees to deconstruct with an art students perpective, we got to sleep pretty early the next morning. Did a lazy waking up process while my loved one cooked up a batch of pancakes for breakfast (flippng and all ;-).
It was fun having girl chatter while the boything did the shopping and skated. I was teaching myself how to crochet (an art form my gran excelled at, along with knitting, I appreciate it a bit too late) . It's cool having an art student around to mention the 80's revival of 'post-anti woman's work feminism' needlecrafts. She picked it up quickly too.
Some where in between I baked my choc pecan pie for her.
Then she offered to cook us an Indian veg supper, which is amusingly ironic, all things considered. We had fun in the kitchen and the meal turned out pretty impressive, despite the many cooks. (She cooks from recipes, I cook from memories of tastes and smells of an Indian kitchen. )
We ended the weekend with Everything is Illuminated. (I'm lazily posted a review I wrote the first time I watched the film)
A masterful directorial debut by Liev Schreiber.

(note my rare use of the applauding kitty to denote high praise!)
It is based on a novel by Jonathan Safran Foer (which I started reading but the book was for some reason removed from my possession :?).
The movie stars Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) as Jonathan and Eugene Hutz (of Gogol Bordello!*) as Alex in a brilliant comedic drama that gets everything correct.
The premise is that a slightly eccentric American Jew (Wood) is searching for his ancestors in the Ukraine and is assisted by the entrepreneurial "anti-semitic" Ukrainian "blind" grandpa driver (assisted by his "seeing-eye bitch, Sammy Davis Jr. Jr.) and grandson (Hutz = brilliant!!!) "translator" duo.
There is sincerity, depth and humanity perfectly balanced by levity in this excellent film. It's perfectly scripted and beautifully filmed. Heck, I would have been happy just because I could sing along to 'start wearing purple', but the movie delivered so much more.
Liev Schreiber is my hero. Bring it on, Sabretooth!
*awsomest gypsey punk! I have many favourites but Start Wearing Purple ranks highly and punk rock paranda and all of super taranta and and ....
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