Anyway, the combination is infallible. I recently perfected my chocolate pecan pie recipe. Obviously the first kitchen toil was a minor disaster due to the fact that I am loathe to follow recipes without tweaking and was in a flustered rush to get to a friends Yule celebration so chaos was sure to ensue. The end result was demolished before I could lay claim to seconds so it must have worked.
The second attempt I mentioned yesterday. I was calm and not in a hurry and everything worked out perfectly. No pics of mine, unfortunately, but will get one next time :-) This recipe has replaced my quick and easy baked cheese cake. I plan to add some choc chips to the filling next time.
How NOT to bake a chocolate pecan pie! (a *trixi caveat in italics) (psssssst, it's actually a great recipe, if you heed my warnings ;-) For the choc base - weigh out/measure:
- 175 g cake flour
- 40 g icing sugar
- 27 g cocoa powder
- 40 g ground almonds
- 140 g 'frozen' unsalted butter (ideally) - I only had salted so leave out the salt
- 1/2 tsp salt
- separate one egg - use yolk for base (keep white for filling)
- 2-3 tsp ice water
(do not ask your boyfriend to add in the unsifted icing sugar)
2. Add almonds, salt. Grate frozen butter and add to mix, it makes it easier to mix in. Or cut up into little squares if you have a food processor. Rub in until you form 'crumbs'. (do not attempt to grate butter @ room temp. It's just messy)
3. Form a well in center of mix, add in egg yolk. Work into mix. Add a tbs of ice water at a time, to from a soft, non-sticky dough. (first attempt was on a hot day so butter melted a bit forming a dough with just the egg yolk and 1 tbs water, 2nd time was cold and took about 4-5 tbs ice water)
4. Wrap in clingwrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
(you can start the filling now if pressed for time) (Again, this was more critical on the warmer day when dough was extra soft)
5. Line a loose bottomed pie pan with a round of grease proof paper and spray/butter the fluted edges. (or not, if you want the pie to stick to the tin and make it impossible to cut without breaking up the slice of pie)
6. Roll out dough on a piece of grease proof paper. Turnover onto lined pie pan. Press in to shape. Cut off excess crust by pressing against fluted edges. lift paper and prick base. Bake blind for 10 minutes @ 200 degrees celcius. I use dried beans. (or you can press dough in to pie pan unevenly, pour dry beans directly onto shortcrust and bake to embed beans :P Also, add soe many beans that heat cannot reach the base.) Ok, so that was the difficult part. Once it's done, start cooling your oven down to 150 degrees celcius.
- 125 g light brown sugar
- 75 g butter
- 60 ml tightly packed treacle sugar
- 60 ml golden syrup
- 2 whole eggs plus the leftover egg white
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 150 g pecan nuts
- 50 g sultanas (golden raisins)
2. When homogenous syrup is formed, cool for about 5 minutes (to prevent cooking egg when added).
3. Then add in eggs and vanilla essence. Stir well until egg is incorporated.
4. Add in pecan nuts and raisins. Mix gently.
5. Pour into base 6. Bake for 45-60 minutes @ 150 degrees celcius. (I reccomend placing pie pan onto another tray as leakage/overspill might occur, and burnt sugar at the bottom of your oven is not much fun)
It received the supreme complement of tasting better than Woollies pecan pie! ;-)
A pic of someone else's pecan pie: Desert Candy
Mine looked just as good ;-)

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