Friday, July 17, 2009

Goo, Globsters & Garbage

The U.S. coastguard is investigating a mysterious blob of goo off the Arctic Coast.

According to news reports, it is probably a "naturally occurring and organic phenomenon or marine organism" and not an oil product or hazardous substance. Jelly fish were found tangled in it the pitch black, hairy goo, which is hypothesised to be an algal bloom not observed in recent history.

Reading this reminded me about the many globsters that have been found throughout history, which are now known to be the corpses of marine megafauna. Arg, There be sea monsters! (collosal squids and giant jellyfish etc. )

It also brought to mind the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (and the other marginally smaller ones, yes, it was old news before it was on Oprah :p) and the very many other critical findings about the shocking status of Earth's oceans (all Homo sapiens raise your hands to take accountability).

"Project Kaisei consists of a team of innovators, scientists, environmentalists, ocean lovers, sailors, and sports enthusiasts who have come together with a common purpose. To study the North Pacific Gyre and the marine debris that has collected in this oceanic region, to determine how to capture the debris and to study the possible retrieval and processing techniques that could be potentially employed to detoxify and recycle these materials into diesel fuel.

So, space exploration isn't occuring as rapidly as speculative fiction envisioned. So, we might perhaps need to extend the life and life carrying capacity of this planet just a little bit longer. ahem.

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